But developing the necessary technologies to the point where they are ready for use. RWE’s Innovation Center at Niederaussem is the scene of important technological advances.
Here we will be demonstrating the complete technology chains of the three Horizon2020 projects LOTER.CO2M, ECO2Fuel and Ocean Project next Wednesday from 10AM to 5PM during the free online workshop eCCU3.
„Electrochemical synthesis technologies are very promising to produce sustainable fuels and chemicals directly from water, green electricity, and recycled CO₂ as they avoid the effort of high synthesis temperatures and pressures. In this free workshop we will share some insights of how far we’ve come in turning CO₂ into valuable chemicals.“, says Dr. Peter Moser, Head of Emission Reduction Technologies at RWE.

The Carbon Capture and Electrochemical Utilization Workshop brings together international experiences: 22 partners from industry, research institutes and universities are advancing the electrochemical CO2 utilization from research to industrial application.