The ECO2Fuel Project startet in October 2021 and has a duration of 5 years. What we archive, what we work on, how we work together and contribute to solving global energy challenges, we share with you on a regular basis.
Bekaert provides innovative solution for one of the largest 50kW CO₂ stack electrolyzers in the world
European Green Deal: EU-Kommission unterstützt 73 Forschungsprojekte mit einer Milliarde Euro
Elektrochemische Umwandlung von CO2 in nachhaltige flüssige Kraftstoffe
30 March 2022 -TRILATERAL ONLINE WORKSHOP - Carbon Capture and electrochemical Utilization of CO2 - From research to industrial application
European commission has granted the ECO2Fuel.
Im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel: Think11 betreut ganzheitliche Kommunikation des Green Deal-Projekts “ECO2Fuel”
ARIEMA asiste a la Tercera Asamblea General del proyecto ECO2FUEL en Amberes y Mol (Bélgica)
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