Sara Goberna Ferrón, MSCA IF postdoctoral fellow at Instituto de Tecnología Química (ITQ), was invited to talk about the ECO2fuel project at the European Research & Innovation Workshop focusing on the transformation and storage of renewable energies.

It took place on Friday, 28th October 2022, at the Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MAT-SUS) in Barcelona and was organised by Jose Ramón Galán (ICREA Research Professor and ICIQ).
During that day, European-funded collaborative projects described their approach, challenges and the status of their projects.

Sara gave the audience an overview of the project and talked about the consortium, the challenges of electrochemical CO2 reduction, and how we address these challenges.

“It was fascinating to learn about other European projects related to the transformation and storage of renewable energies, a perfect opportunity to exchange ideas and for networking. The keynote talk by Christine Courillon (ERC) on how the ERC funds research projects was also very interesting; as a young researcher, I could learn about the different career opportunities and funding options to continue my research path. Regarding the ECO2fuel project, the audience seemed truly interested in it, especially about the 5-kW demonstrator of the ancestor project LOTER.CO2M and the ambitious ECO2fuel goal to upscale and optimise the LOTER.CO2M technology at an industrial size of 1MW.”