Why is that? Because they rely on expensive green hydrogen. Therefore, carbon-neutral fuels have low acceptability, unnecessarily prolonging the energy transition process.
ARIEMA’s experts have thirty years of experience in hydrogen-based technologies, specifically in production, storage, conditioning, and end uses of green hydrogen.
In ECO2Fuel, Ariema is responsible for determining the materials and the design of the frame and #gasket structure of the 50 kW stack. ARIEMA will also analyse the technical, economic, environmental, and social impacts potentially derived from the project and assess the regulatory aspects of publicacceptance initiatives.

“Transport accounts for around a fifth of global CO₂ emissions, and transport demand is expected to grow worldwide in the coming decades. The ECO2Fuel project aims to face this challenge by scaling a single-step CO₂ conversion process to produce liquid e-fuels without the need for hydrogen”, says Pablo Lara Casanova, Project Engineer at ARIEMA Energía y Medioambiente S.L.