The ECO2Fuel management board welcomes a new team member, Marc Schnierle, who joined the Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) team in February 2023.

Marc has a master’s degree in chemistry and is finishing his PhD at the University of Stuttgart on “Post Ligation Modification of Metallotetrazine as Perspective Surface Molecular Probes.” funded by the DFG.
Marc joined the ECO2Fuel project because he believes in technology. He sees e-fuels as a promising carbon-neutral energy carrier for many industries that cannot be electrified and rely on alternative energy carriers.
In ECO2Fuel, e-fuels are produced by converting CO2 captured from point sources, green electricity, and water in a single step. Since the CO2 used to produce e-fuels is captured either from industrial applications still reliant on fossil fuels, e.g. steel, cement etc. or from the atmosphere, e-fuels can be considered carbon-neutral. By this, e-fuels close the carbon cycle and help avoid the further use of fossil-based energy carriers.
“In addition, e-fuels have the potential to be used in existing combustion engines with little or no modification, which makes them a promising alternative to electric vehicles (EVs) in specific applications, such as long-haul transportation or aviation, where the energy density and range of conventional fuels are required.”, says Marc.
With his chemistry expertise and research experience, Marc will make a valuable contribution to the ECO2Fuel project.