Informative lectures, goal-oriented discussions and interactive workshops.
The project’s consortium met physically last week in Valencia, Spain, for its second general assembly meeting to discuss the status of the activities and to plan the next steps to meet the project’s objectives.
Project coordinator Dr. Schwan Hosseiny (DLR, Germany) started the meeting with a presentation about the current management status, followed by the work package presentations that the respective leaders held. The partners shared achievements and highlights, discussed important topics, and defined the next steps toward achieving the project goals.
The project meeting was complemented with two workshops: On day 1 Pieterjan Debergh and Dr. Metin Bulut from VITO (Belgium) organized a workshop on the ECO2Fuel value chain. Its purpose; working out each step of the value chain and define the benchmark applications (i.e., transport fuel and peak power). A proper definition of the value chain and benchmarks is essential to conduct the techno-economic and life cycle assessment. On day 2 Antonello Fiorucci from META (Italy) closed with a dissemination and exploitation strategy workshop.
The physical meeting highlighted once again how important in-person meetings are for interactive discussions and efficient and quick decision-making.